Thursday 28 April 2011

QR Code Tour Generator - user feedback

As you maybe aware, we've been developing a QR Code Tour Generator at UCS. This is intended to act as an easy authoring tool to enable people to create and manage a number of linked QR Code points of interest. As part of the process we invited feedback from a few people at other institutions (many thanks to Phil Richards and David Hopkins).

Overall the feedback was very positive, the general areas for improvement are around the managing of the URLs (making sure the links work, and they are easy to identify once they are created), and the PDF (A5 print outs) have some layout issues which need addressing.

The following quotes indicate we are nearly there in terms of the interface and functionality. Therefore, we are nearly in a position be able to roll this out as an open source package.

How could we improve the user interface? What more do you need?

The interface is simple and uncomplicated - I would not want too add too much more info as the current state would be good for non-technical users to find "safe" and not to scary.

How could we improve the functionality? what other things would you find really useful?

Nothing occurs immediately. Perhaps being able to check the shortened URLs work within the tour form.

An interesting point was as made around the most difficult aspect was to the tour design. For instance, "generating the tour was easy and pretty self-explanatory. What was more difficult was, before starting the process, knowing what information I would be able to include and therefore how much planning would be needed. This is not about the creation tool itself and more about my own expectations and information/guide perhaps." I've interpreted this as the need to provide some concrete examples within an effective getting started guide.

The next steps are to work with a number of teams at UCS to produce some tours, and track use.


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