Sunday 15 June 2014

UCS L&T Day Workshop: Designing a flipped classroom activity #ucsltday14

The Elevate Team ran a number of workshops and poster sessions at the UCS Learning and Teaching Day on Friday (13th June, 2014). We hope to be sharing session details over the next few weeks. To start the process, we ran a workshop (45 mins, no computers) on designing flipped classroom learning activities. The session was well attended (about 14 people, mainly lecturers). I'll admit we had a very rich discussion around designs and anxieties, but we didn't get close to discussing a post session activity. So, we'll need to arrange a follow on session :-)

The key concern was around strategies to ensure students engage with the pre-session activity. Collectively, we decided the approach was ensure the pre-session included a task which involved using a LearnUCS (Blackboard) tool so we can track through the retention centre. The objective being we can use the retention centre to manage communication with students (who have, or have not completed the pre-session task). This would enable us over a few weeks to explicitly connect the pre-session with the face to face session so students start to see the value in completing the pre-session task, which will leads to a change in their behaviour.

The technologies we discussed and demo'd where:
  1. Screencastify (google chrome plug in) - use to create talk over presentations
  2. LearnUCS Quiz engine
  3. LearnUCS Retention centre
  4. Classroom technology: clickers
The slides are linked below, as are the session outputs. A big thank you to all those who took part, I hope you found it useful.

If you have any questions around how you might start developing please contact

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